

I hate to say it, but I think I will be moving back to Windows. I have really enjoyed LInux except the installing software part, and not being able to Samba with my shared printeer. And, I miss my iTunes. Don't get me wrong AmaroK has great iPod support, just drag and drop, but I had my library organized just right in iTunes. If I had the money, I'd just say screw Windows, and get myselft a MacBook and use my Windows box scrictly for gaming, and maybe a Linux file server. I just don't know. I really hate to go back to Windows world, but I just don't know what to do. I miss just playing my games. At least I have a backup of all my data on my external hard drive, so I won't have lost anything. Oh well, a fresh install of Windows should be good for about 6 months untill I fuck it up. So, I guess all I can say is googbuy liinux, I will miss your awesome stableness.


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