
My Google is Cooler Than Yours!

Well, I have to say that I really dig this sexy style for Google.com. You too have have a cool Google like mine. All you need the the worlds most customizable web browser, aka Firefox, the extension that makes unbearable web sites bearable, Stylish, and these cool little Stylish scripts. To install those scripts all you have to do is click the (for example) GoogleWebSearch.css link, highlight the code, and copy it to the clipboard. Then click the Stylish icon in the status bar, click Manage Styles, then click Write. Now all you have to do is paste the code in the large text box, and enter a description (or name) for the style. See, easy as pie! Enjoy your new sexier Google! If you want even more styles for the Stylish extension you can visit UserStyles.org.


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